Title: Jesus Christ-Pantocrator Year: 2010 Technique: Pigments,egg tempera and gold on wood, Byzantine painting Place: Europe
Title: Mother of God with a Child Year: 2008 Technique: Egg tempera and gold on wood panel, Byzantine painting Place: Australia
Title: Jesus Christ Year: 2005 Technique: Egg tempera on wood panel, Byzantine painting Place: Europe
Title: The Nativity of Virgin Mary Technique: egg tempera and gold on wood panel, Byzantine painting Place: Serbia,Europe
Title: St.Demetrius- Holy warrior Year: 2008 Technique: Egg tempera and silver on wood panel Place: Serbia, Europe
Title: Holy Mother of God with Child Year: 2006 Technique: egg tempera and gold on wood panel Place: Serbia, Europe
Title: Icon of Jesus Christ from Monastery Hilandar Year: 2006 Technique: Egg tempera and gold on wood panel Place: Serbia, Europe
Title: Meeting of St.Joachim and St. Anne Year: 2005 Technique: egg tempera on wood panel,Byzantine painting